How to Secure Funding for Your Web3 Startup Through Grant Programs

How to Secure Funding for Your Web3 Startup Through Grant Programs

Navigating the funding landscape is a crucial step for any web3 startup. Grants programs offer an excellent opportunity to secure non-dilutive capital, allowing you to focus on innovation and growth. This article will explore what grants programs are, how crypto funding works, and what traction your startup should have to apply, with a special focus on Partisia Blockchain’s comprehensive grants program. 

Understanding Grants Programs and Crypto Funding 

Grants Programs Explained: 

Grants are financial awards given by organizations to support specific projects or initiatives. Unlike loans or investments, grants do not require repayment or equity exchange. They are often provided by governments, non-profits, and private foundations to promote research, development, and innovation in various fields. 

Crypto Funding through Grants: 

Crypto funding through grants involves financial support from blockchain foundations and ecosystems to develop decentralized applications (dApps), infrastructure, and other blockchain-based solutions. These grants aim to advance the capabilities and adoption of blockchain technology.

Traditional Grants vs. Crypto Grants: 

Source of Funding: Traditional grants are typically funded by government bodies, non-profits, and academic institutions. Crypto grants, on the other hand, are funded by blockchain foundations, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and cryptocurrency communities. 

Application Process: Traditional grants often have lengthy application processes with strict criteria and formal documentation requirements. Crypto grants tend to have more streamlined application processes, focusing on innovative ideas and technical feasibility. 

Flexibility and Speed: Crypto grants usually offer more flexibility and quicker decision-making, reflecting the fast-paced nature of the blockchain industry. Traditional grants may involve longer evaluation periods and more bureaucratic processes. 

Focus Areas: While traditional grants cover a wide range of fields such as healthcare, education, and social sciences, crypto grants specifically target blockchain technology, decentralized applications, and related innovations. 

VC Funding vs. Crypto Grants: 

Equity vs. Non-Dilutive: Venture capital (VC) funding involves exchanging equity for capital, meaning founders give up a portion of ownership in their company. Crypto grants provide non-dilutive funding, allowing startups to retain full ownership. 

Risk and Control: VCs often seek significant control over business decisions and expect high returns on investment, which can pressure startups to scale quickly. Crypto grants are awarded based on the project’s potential impact and innovation, without exerting control over business operations. 

Funding Amounts: VC funding typically involves larger amounts of capital compared to grants, which can be advantageous for scaling rapidly. However, the non-dilutive nature of grants is a significant advantage for startups looking to maintain control and avoid dilution. 

Support and Resources: VCs often provide extensive business support, networking opportunities, and strategic guidance. While crypto grants may not match this level of support, many programs, like Partisia Blockchain, offer valuable resources, mentorship, and community engagement. 

Necessary Traction for Applying to Grants Programs

Early-Stage Startups: 

Concept Validation: Demonstrate a clear and validated concept or idea. 

Prototype Development: Having a working prototype or MVP (Minimum Viable Product) significantly boosts credibility. 

Initial User Feedback: Collect feedback from early users to showcase interest and potential market fit. 

Growth-Stage Startups: 

User Base: A growing user base and active community engagement are critical. ● Revenue Streams: Demonstrating initial revenue or viable revenue models enhances your application.

Partnerships: Highlight any strategic partnerships or collaborations that add value to your project. 

Spotlight on Partisia Blockchain’s Grants Program 

The Partisia Blockchain offers a $100 million grant program aimed at projects that enhance privacy, interoperability, and scalability. With two grant categories, Full Grants (up to 250k MPC tokens) and Fast Track Grants (up to 20k MPC tokens), this program supports a wide range of initiatives. 

Funding Categories: Two primary types of grants: 

● Full Grants: Up to 250k MPC tokens for comprehensive, large-scale projects. Apply:

● Fast Track Grants: Up to 20k MPC tokens for smaller, agile initiatives. Apply: 

Unique Benefits of Partisia Blockchain Grants: 

Multi-Party Computation (MPC): Partisia’s MPC technology is a game-changer for web2 and web3 privacy, enabling secure data transmission and private transactions. 

Interoperability Solutions: The grants support projects that enhance interoperability between different blockchain ecosystems, fostering a more connected web3 environment. ● On-Chain Custody Solutions: Promotes the development of secure, decentralized asset management solutions. 

Marketing and Business Development Support: 

Marketing Assistance: Partisia provides significant marketing resources to help projects gain visibility and attract users. 

Business Development: Comprehensive support to scale and commercialize solutions. ● Access to Industry Experts: Benefit from the guidance of seasoned professionals, enhancing both technical and business aspects of projects. 

Why Apply to Partisia Blockchain’s Grants: 

Innovative Technology: Leverage cutting-edge MPC technology to build privacy-focused applications. 

Robust Support System: Extensive marketing and business development resources. ● Strategic Networking: Connect with a network of industry leaders and experts, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations. 

Information Founders Should Prepare for Grant Applications 

To increase the chances of securing a grant, founders should meticulously prepare the following information:

Project Proposal: 

● Executive Summary: A clear and concise overview of your project. 

● Objectives: Define the goals and expected outcomes of your project. 

● Technical Details: Detailed technical specifications and architecture of your solution. 

Market Analysis: 

● Target Market: Identify and describe your target market. 

● Competitive Landscape: Analyze competitors and highlight your unique value proposition. 

Traction and Metrics: 

● User Data: Provide data on user acquisition, retention, and engagement. 

● Revenue: If applicable, include revenue figures and projections. 

Team Profile: 

● Expertise: Highlight the skills and experience of your team members. 

● Roles: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities within the team. 

Financial Plan: 

● Budget: Detailed budget breakdown of how the grant funds will be used. 

● Milestones: Set achievable milestones and timelines for project development. 

Impact and Sustainability: 

● Long-Term Vision: Describe the long-term vision and sustainability plan for your project. ● Community Engagement: Explain how you plan to engage and grow your community. 

Steps to Apply for Partisia Blockchain’s Grants 

1. Prepare a Detailed Proposal: Outline your project’s goals, technical specifications, and potential impact. 

2. Demonstrate Feasibility: Provide technical documentation and prototypes if available. 3. Showcase Your Team: Highlight the skills and experience of your team members. 4. Submit Your Application: Apply through Partisia Blockchain’s designated channels and follow up as necessary. 

5. Engage with the Community: Actively participate in the Partisia community to gain visibility and support. 


Securing funding through grants can significantly propel your web3 startup forward. Understanding the application process and meeting the necessary traction criteria are essential steps in this journey. Partisia Blockchain’s grants program, with its focus on privacy, interoperability, and comprehensive support, offers a unique and valuable opportunity for startups looking to innovate and grow in the web3 space. Apply strategically, leverage the resources provided, and drive your web3 startup towards success.

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