Crypto enthusiasts purchase billboard to lampoon Alabama Senator Richard Shelby

Crypto enthusiasts purchase billboard to lampoon Alabama Senator Richard Shelby

Two weeks after Richard Shelby opposed a crypto-friendly amendment to the infrastructure bill, crypto enthusiasts are yet to forgive the Alabama senator. In a rather interesting turn of events, the Fight for the Future group has put up a billboard targeting the Shelby.

The billboard bold accesses Shelby of failing to protect the “basic freedoms” of cryptocurrency users in the United States.

Recall that in early August, the non-profit advocacy group developed a dashboard that allowed crypto users to call their Senators. The digital rights group also trended the “#DontKillCrypto” campaign.

As reported by BTC PEERS, the 87-year-old lawmaker drew the wrath of the crypto community after his sole objection killed the possibility of a crypto-friendly amendment to the harmful cryptocurrency tax provision of the infrastructure bill.

During a voting session, Shelby opposed two amendments to the bill, requesting an additional $50 billion in defense spending before endorsing the bill. Due to his actions, the original infrastructure bill was passed by the Senate, ensnaring the industry with a vague definition of the term “broker.”

In a bid to save face, Shelby later tweeted that he was in support of the amendment but chose the country’s security over innovation. Needless to say that his $50 billion defense spending request was also shot down.

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