Hero Arena Continues GameFi Rise, Solds Out 10,000 Hero Arena Mystery Boxes in just 5 seconds on Binance NFT

After putting pen to paper collaboration with Binance NFT, Hero Arena has taken another major step towards growing its GameFi ecosystem. The upcoming play-to-earn game protocol successfully conducted its first Hero Arena Mystery Box sales event. 10,000 Hero Arena Mystery Boxes which were earmarked for the event were snapped up by buyers in barely 5 seconds.
“10,000 Hero Arena Mystery Boxes Sold Out In Just 5 Seconds. Oh my god! Unbelievable! Impossible! Unstoppable ... Once again, huge thanks & big love to the invincible power of #Hero Arena community around the globe",Hero Arena tweeted excitedly.
“Wow, so excited. I have never seen a project selling boxes very fast like this. Anyone could buy it? Sell for me, please…”, Hero Arena tweeted happily
The event’s duration lasts 3 days, but all boxes have been successfully sold out in just 5 seconds. So many players regret not being able to buy Hero Arena Mystery Boxes.
This collection is directly designed by Hero arena for Binance only. The characters are inspired by the Binance Logo and are unique and outstanding.
The collection is designed exclusively for the Binance community with a limited number of only 10,000 Boxes. 10,000 Boxes will open up 10,000 Heroes of 5 races included in games like Warlord, Orc, Elf, Beast, Undead.
Rare: 5000 (50%)
Elite: 3000 (30%)
Legendary: 1500 (15%)
Immortal: 500 (5%)
Just only $50 for a Hero Arena Mystery Box
Participating accounts were entitled to a maximum purchase of 20 boxes. Each box contained 1 NFT which was either Hero Arena of varying rarities, special characteristics.
Special giveaway Binance NFT Event from Hero Arena x Binance NFT for lucky users with total prizes up to $10,000 BUSD
Lucky players who open NFT Immortal will be able to participate in the lucky draw to receive $100 (limited to 100 slots).
The lucky draw will be open at the end of the sale box on Binance NFT.
Timeline: From 29 December 2021
The success of Hero Arena x Binance NFT Mystery box event have proved Hero Arena’s rise and potential in the NFT gaming market
Hero Arena game has been released for 1 month, the game enjoyed by many gamers through many outstanding features. The Hero Arena team has been doing research and developing its ecosystem. However, the protocol’s core mission remains to create a consensus metaverse of solid engagement with community members to build a solid P2E game. With the game’s launch on the horizon, we expect to witness an entertaining P2E experience on BSC.
About Hero Arena
Hero Arena is a role-playing game (RPG) protocol on the Binance Smart Chain. The protocol enhances user experience through its IDLE campaign which enables players to earn rewards without spending so much time online.
Visit Hero Arena via these links:
Website: https://heroarena.app
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeroArena_Hera | 132k Followers | 30k View/Post
Telegram CM: https://t.me/heroarenagame | 135k Members
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/heraannouncement | 95k Members | 10k View/Post
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/HeroArena.Hera | 18k Follows | 3k View/Post
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