World's First NFT Space Collection Taken By ISS Will Be Hosted By Major Crypto Influencers

World's First NFT Space Collection Taken By ISS Will Be Hosted By Major Crypto Influencers
Photo by Shubham Dhage / Unsplash

The event is the very first of its kind and will be the world's first NFT project to release a set of NFTs from space. The live program will include earth images from the International Space Station and demonstrate the creation of real-time NFTs from distinct images captured. It will also include additional conversations on popular trends within the crypto space in 2021, together with projections for the year 2022.

The list of major influencers that are expected to speak at the event includes the following:

· Amelia Tomasichio (Founder of Cryptologist): Amelia Tomasichio is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cryptonomist, the biggest crypto firm in Italy, and a member of Huobi Global.

· Burnt Banksy (CEO of Brent Finance): Burnt Banksy first got popular after burning an actual Banksy painting and then converting it to an NFT. He is one of the leading innovators in the NFT space and has begun development at Burnt Finance, a firm he manages.

· Bailey Tan (Investment Analyst at Defiance Capital): Bailey Tan is an investment analyst with Defiance Capital and is known for his ardent commitment regarding DeFi, Gaming, and NFTs. He has also worked with other founders of numerous leading projects.

· Ikuma Ueno (Head of Crypto Strategy at DEA): Mr. Ueno oversees the management strategy and global expansion of DEA's crypto assets and blockchain activities. He is also responsible for the planning and promotion of new business enterprises.

· Kozu Yamada (Co-Founder and CSO at DEA): Kozu Yamada is responsible for content creation and NFT planning for DEA's "playing" business section. He also runs a YouTube channel known as "NFTv" and web media "NFT Navi" to educate people regarding the abilities and use of NFTs.

· Miss Bitcoin (Mai Fujimoto, Gracon, CEO).

· Seung Min Yoon (Marketing Director of Panony and President of Korea).

· Tamara Sukina (crypto-journalist).

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Regarding "The First Space Sunrise 2022," the program will debut as the first world NFT project to offer a collection of NFTs from space. Additionally, the launch includes another first for the collaboration, following the hosting of a countdown party on the International Space Station KIBO studio, which gave spectators a real-time view of the earth as they counted down into 2021. This year, viewers will be able to claim part of the world's first NFTs that will be launched from space during the countdown.

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